Why publish with Opal Book Publishing LLC?
By publishing with OBPLLC, we offer our authors publishing options at affordable pricing. We strive to help new and aspiring authors a way to be heard through their writings. As an author, I understand how hard it is to be published, therefore, we are here to help you to do the same.
Does Opal Book Publishing LLC offer payment arrangements?
Since we offer different packages, we also know that it can be somewhat difficult to purchase a publishing package upfront, especially being a new-comer to the industry. Therefore, we DO offer our new authors a '90 Day Plan' to satisfy their accounts with us after your initial deposit amount.
Your initial deposit will be 35% of the total package that you choose.
How long does it normally take for the publishing process after signing a contract with Opal Book Publishing LLC?
The publishing process depends on the work that has been submitted to us. We normally ask that you give us anywhere from 6-9 months (12 months MAX) for the entire publishing process, due to being a small company. However, it can happen in a lesser time.
What type of Genre does Opal Book Publishing LLC publish?
We publish many different Genres including, but limited to: Adult Fiction, Poetry, Eroticisms, Fictional Romance, and Drama. At this time, Opal Book Publishing LLC does not publish Self Help readings or Children Books.
How should I submit my work for review?
All submissions are to be sent via e-mail to obpublishing.info@gmail.com in Word (.doc or .docx) format ONLY. All other formats will automatically be deleted and/or rejected. Your work should be that of ORIGINAL work that has NOT been published anywhere. Not all submissions will be considered for publication.
*Please refer to the Submissions Guidelines' page*
Do you provide Data Entry Services?
At this point, we will NOT provide any Data Entry Services.
Do I need to submit a picture of myself along with my submission for my work?
At the time of submission, we only ask that you submit your name, title of your work, the first three (3) chapters of your book, as well as a Synopsis of your work. If there’s any other information that we need, we will request it from you at a later time.
What makes Opal Book Publishing LLC different from other publishing companies?
Here at Opal Book Publishing LLC, we are known as one of the least expensive publishers in town. We are not here to charge our authors outrageous prices in order to be noticed by others. Again, we strive to get our authors known not just in the local areas, but around the world. We pay our authors royalties on a quarterly basis, our prices are very affordable, and we provide the Advertising and Marketing of all of our authors, as well as setting up book signings and other events.
Will I need to provide a deposit to have my work published with Opal Book Publishing LLC?
Yes. You will need to provide a deposit which MUST be paid upon the submission of your contract, which is to cover the Editing process. Your balance will be due within 30 days from the date of your signed contract (NO extensions unless you are on a '90 Day Plan'). We will work with you to the best of our ability!
What type of payments are acceptable?
At this time, we accept payments of Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard), Cashier Checks or Money Orders. We also accept payments through CashApp if you prefer.
How long does the editing process take?
Normally the editing process depends upon the work that has been submitted to us. The more your work is error-free, it's much easier for us to focus on the quality of your writing. Therefore, we normally take about 12 months for the editing process, providing that the author sends us back the corrections in a timely manner, which can take a lesser time.
Do I need an Agent?
At Opal Book Publishing LLC, we try to cut out the middle man (Agent). We like to work solely with our author’s one on one and would rather our authors not worry about paying an Agent with any part of their Royalties or any other means for that matter.
Will my book be available in E-book format?
Yes. Your book will be available for E-book/Amazon Kindle format with the purchase of the Opal packages at this time for the one year of your contract. If you choose another package, you can have it included for an additional fee.
How do Opal Book Publishing LLC Royalties work?
Anytime that your work has been sold through one of the ordering portals (Amazon Kindle; Amazon Books, etc.), you (the said Author) will be paid on a quarterly basis as stated in your Author Agreement. You will need to have a CASHAPP or PAYPAL account to receive payments. You will also receive an ordering statement of the number of books that were sold for that quarter so that you may see the breakdown. Keeping in mind that not ALL outlets send royalties at the same time. Some may have different payout dates and/or quarterly dates than we do. If your Royalty falls under $10 in a month, it will be added to the next available Royalty that is due for you.
*Please refer back to your Author Agreement for further details*
How does the book ordering process work?
Ordering your first set of books will be included in the Author Contract, which will be a significant discount to the Author. After your first order has been completed and ordered, you will then be responsible for ordering your books (25 books minimum) through Opal Book Publishing LLC, in which you will then have an Author Discount Rate. In the event that you are NO LONGER under contract with your work and you still need to order books, your Author Discount Rate falls below your original discount rate of purchasing.
If I order books after the Publishing process, will Opal Book Publishing LLC require a part of my book earnings?
During your initial Book Release Party, Opal Book Publishing LLC will start the 60%/40% split process. However, if you are scheduled to have a Book Signing/Event of your own (Author based) after the Book Release Party, Opal Book Publishing LLC does NOT partake in the 60%/40% process (unless OBP is taking payments for book ordering), otherwise you keep 100% of Royalties.
NOTE: Most Bookstores require a 50% split between you and the facility.
How long does it normally take for book orders to come back?
Normally for your first initial book order, it can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks for your order to be received after being sent to the printer. So we ask that if you have an event that you may want to attend or are planning to attend, please keep this information in mind when it’s time to order, although sometimes it may take less time. Once your order has been sent to the printer, it is out of our hands, unless you have paid for expedited services.
Am I responsible to have a Book Release Party?
You are required to attend a Book Release Party event (no more than three weeks after the book is released) that have been set upon. All of the Marketing/Advertising will be done via email and/or Social Media that you have provided to us.
After the editing process, will you send me the book version of my work (manuscript)?
We are more than willing to send you a copy of your edited manuscript, but not in book form. This is so that you will be able to go over your work once again, in case you find any other errors that need to be corrected before we send your work off to the printer.